Monday, September 20, 2004

Who Said Getting Older Was Fun?

Well, once again, I'm late on my blogging. I just can't seem to keep a constant string of posts to keep my readers entertained. Assuming anyone is even reading!!

My birthday was this past Friday, and it was a great parents are in town, so we went, with several of my friends to Lauriol Plaza, one of my favorite restaurants in D.C.

The weather was all sorts of wacky, due to Ivan hitting the coast, lots of wind, rain, hurricane-like weather.

Saturday was the real party though, at my friends Charlie & Juan's place. It was great fun! I got some great gifts, including a 40GB iP0d. It rocks! I've already downloaded several CDs onto it and have been listening to it all day at work and on my way to work. I also used it for jogging over the weekend and it was great! I still haven't made a playlist, but the minute I get a chance I will.

Not much else to report. The election is still shaping up to be a big pain in the butt, with Kerry and the Despot too close to call in the polls. I'd love Kerry to win by a landslide. I don't understand how anyone can condone what's going on over in Iraq. It's sheer stupidity. All that loss of life--for what?

Well, you'll be glad to know that the first CD I ripped to my iPod was Dusty In Memphis, what an amazing CD, and the ol' gal sounds even better on iPod than on CD! It's like she's whispering in my ear! Chills!

I also burned Cher's Living Proof, Coldplay's Parachutes and A Rush of Blood To The Head.

Oh, I downloaded 1 song from iTunes so far. It took 15 minutes to download 1 song! Dial-up connection sucks ass. I'm gonna see if I can switch to cable soon. I can't live like this! : )
The 1 song I dl'ed was a live version of Cyndi Lauper (love her) singing "All Through The Night".

It rocks!


Blogger Scatterbrain said...

Eeek! Happy Belated Birthday! All the best to you! :-)

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... has this cool thing where if you just sign up and do an offer, you can get a free ipod

3:15 AM  

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