The Democrats Convene!
Well, I'm sure some of you have been following the Democratic National Convention from Boston, which started Monday with a huge bang if you ask me!
Fantastic speeches by Gore, Carter and finally Clinton, that are sure to rally the democrats (and hopefully many republicans) into voting their conscious this November and getting Dubya where he the unemployment line.
I was talking to my good friend, Jason the other night about the whole political situation in the U.S. and he said something that really stuck with me. It seems this administration has forgotten who pays their salary! WE DO! That means they should be listening to ALL of us, not just the 5-10% that make up their extreme right base. The President is just a civil servant. There should be no "salary", there should just be a stipend that we decide upon each year and could be changed up or down depending on their performance rating. That seems a lot more fair to me. After all, they are being paid out of my tax dollars!
If the republicans were really for "less government", that's what they would do...make it more like a business. The President could be our Short-Term Consultant, his salary changing depending on our needs and on his performance. I'd love that...I think we'd all love that.
So, in any case, I missed last night's speeches, but I hear that Obama and Teresa Heinz Kerry really went to town. Good for them. I hear Obama is the next shining star of the democratic party. I hope so, because it's about time we have a minority who has 1/2 a chance to one day run for President and maybe even WIN! (gasp!)
I was reminded on Monday night when the segment on the 9 female democratic senators was shown, that it's been 80 years since women were given the right to vote, and still we only have a bit more than a handful of female senators in office.
That's not progress is it? It's practically stasis! Their should be at least 50 female senators in office.
In many ways, we have not progressed much at all. I think it's time to kick start it...don't you? VOTE this November, and vote for the party that will bring you a change, that will keep us moving forward, to create a new, better America. Not go back to what we used to be in the 50s and 60s.
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