Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Are we that "Desperado" to keep the Status Quo?

Apparently, it's no longer ok to speak your mind in these United States of America.   You heard what I said folks:  So much for the 1st ammendment!    It appears Linda Ronstadt, that icon of 70s California Folk Rock, who recently had seemed to be in semi-retirement, has been ejected from her latest gig because she dared to..gasp...speak her mind...gasp!   How could she! 

Here is the full story from CNN:
Now, just between you and me...I saw Linda's show when she came through the D.C. Area (at Wolf Trap, a lovely place to watch a summer concert), and there was no political posturing to be found whatsoever, just a stunningly strong vocal performance and an amazing artistic interpretive skill.   The only thing she did that was even remotely non-singing oriented, was at the end of the concert, right before the encore, she mentioned she had seen the film Fahrenheit 9/11 and that she thought it was a very important film that every American should see, and she praised Michael Moore.    Then she offered the song "Desperado" in his honor, as an encore.
Ok, slap me and call me Susan, but I don't see what's so controversial about that?   All she did was mention she liked the film.    She didn't bash this administration (which by the way, had she, she'd be totally within her right to do so), nor did she assault the president verbally or even mention his name.      Why the alarm?   Has the political climate gotten so terribly repressive that even speaking your mind mildly now causes such a ruckus?   What is this?  The Soviet Union?
I am officially outraged.   I am outraged that we have allowed this administration to hijack our country and the ideals on which it was created.     Ashcroft, Rumy, et. al. have made it so that anytime anyone says anything even remotely critical of the current power cartel, that they be censored, one way or another.     This is absolutely frightening.
I am ashamed to be an American...and have been now since the 2000 Election.    When are we going to get back our country?   
It's no skin off Ronstadt's nose that she will no longer perform at the Aladdin (an establishment that was already going out of business anyway), she doesn't need that gig, she can live off of her past laurels.   But it does indicate the current repressive climate we find ourselves in, when an American citizen, an artist,  is not allowed to express her mind, be it on stage, in public, in private, on her front porch, wherever.    She has that right, just like you and I have the right to not go see her or not buy tickets to her concert if we don't want to.    What else is an artist for, if not to make us think as well as entertain us?
But to be denied employment or fired because of her views, that is bordering on totalitarianism.   And it not only scares me, but also pisses me off.
Let's vote with our conscious in November.   Let's make sure we get our country back.  
America, land of the free, with liberty and justice..FOR ALL.  Not just for those who agree with the current regime.


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