Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Dick + Bush = We're Fucked!

Okay..things are getting to the point of ridiculous now. It's official. The country has been hijacked by the Bush/Cheney junta like some little third world banana exporting central american wasteland.

WTF is up? Is the press going to continue to give Bush and his cronies a carte blanche for all sorts of disgusting behavior? As if enduring a full week of bold faced lies during that atrocious convention in NYC wasn't enough--now I have to deal with Cheney saying that if we vote for Kerry we risk another terrorist attack?

Hate to break it to you, oh neckless one, but we risk another terrorist attack no matter who gets to take joyrides in Air Force One in 2005. And guess why? Because your leadership has proven to be poor! That's why! Your shoddy creation and handling of the whole Iraq debacle has done nothing to make us safer. Au contraire my 1 cheeseburger away from a heart attack friend, it's only fueled the radical Muslim hatred for all things American. Thanks a lot you fat fuck! Now we're twice as likely to have another Sept. 11! And you don't care, cause you're gonna die any day now anyway. And you could care less about your Lesbian daughter too, obviously, since you wont even be Man enough to fight your party on the whole DoMA. Nice. Nice...Don't worry, your little suite in Hell is reserved and has been for a while--enjoy!

I am so pissed at Kerry right now though. He is so lame. I am reading Maureen Dowd's excellent Bushworld right now, and she is so on. And Kerry is lame. He's a weakling. He'll never win by playing it nice. Bush and Cheney are not going to let go of the house keys unless someone pries them out of their dead cold hands (ahh, what a nice thought).

So Kerry better step up and NOW! Come on guy! And where's Edwards in all this? Why haven't they unleashed his Colgate smile and sharp claws on the mofos yet? What the hell is Kerry waiting for?

I can only hope this is part of some weird strategy that the Dems are cookin' up..and Kerry has always been known as "the closer"...he likes to ride behind until the last minute and then jump in front. For our sake, I hope it works.

Because the way things are going now, the Republican Propaganda Machine will not rest until Kerry has been lambasted like a little yellow bellied 3 purple heart wearing flaming liberal over and over and over.

And don't even get me started on the Media. Their focus, as always, is on what doesn't matter (Did Bush snort coke at Camp David! Oooh! Ahhh!-Who fuckin' cares?) when instead, they should be working overtime to let Americans know about the crumbling economy, the horrible loss of jobs, the terrible state of the domestic agenda in general. Oh and guess what? People are still dieing in Iraq! Over 1,000 American soldiers dead, not to mention tens of thousands of Iraqis (many civilians).

I fear Nov. 2. I really do.

I think I'll just buy an iPod and plug myself in until Jan.


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