Tuesday, August 24, 2004

1 Week Later

Ok...things are getting off-kilter. When I first started this blog I was writing in it almost every day, and now, less than 1 month later, I am already letting it slide and am down to what? 1 entry per week? Ack!

I guess Journaling (on-line or off) has never really been my thing. I think so much all the time as it is, that I guess I never really needed to write something down to make it clear to me. Although somewhere inside of me I still think I should be writing in this every day, like a catharsis, to sort of rid myself of any thoughts clogging up my brain.

Let's see..what to report? Rehearsals for JCS are going well, but it hasn't been easy. It's definitely a difficult thing, collaboration...and while I'm used to choreographing shows, I haven't had a co-choreographer in a long time...it's a challenge. Luckily, Fred is such a wonderful guy, that while we may disagree we never fight. That's a good thing. The cast seems a bit lost though...not totally, just still adjusting to the idea of 2 choreographers. It's not easy--but they are all making a noble effort.

The Olympics has been interesting. The Men's Gymnastics team competition was pretty cool with Paul Hamm falling on his keester, and then totally making up for it with some of the best gymnastics I think we've seen in Athens this year. I wish this whole medal controversy would just go away. I mean, judging is subjective people! It happens! Get over it, Koreans! You LOST! If we go back and re-evaluate one score, then we have to re-eval all of them, and if we did, it would all change again anyway, so why bother?

Besides, if nothing else, Hamm deserves it for his sheer tenacity and calm under pressure. Amazing how he kept it together after that disastrous fall on the vault--not even sure he would medal and he just kept on chuggin' right along...Good for him!

The economy is still down the crapper, and Dubya has been doing nothing but making a god-damned fool of himself. So basically, nothing new in the Politics arena. I'm intrigued to see what the Republicans will do next week in NYC. It's gonna be pathetic I'm sure, whatever it is.

So, now down to what matters...DUSTY SPRINGFIELD. In re-listening (for like the gajillionth time of course) to a lot of Dusty's wonderful catalog, I've discovered that despite her own claims of not really being more than a pop singer, she had throughout her 40 year career, covered many jazz standards, and incredibly well too! I'm thinking of burning a CD (how 20th century of me!) of just Dusty's more jazz-inflected tracks and calling it Jazzy Dusty....It's amazing what this woman could do with jazz music...it's evident from her work that Peggy Lee was one of her idols. The phrasing is impeccable and the attack is spot on! From "Earthbound Gypsy" to "Since I fell For You" and a stunning cover of "The Second Time Around", Dusty could swing with the best of them. More proof that the woman could sing ANYTHING, not just pop music. Those who don't think so, just haven't been listening carefully enough. Like Jane County once said:

If you don't get what Dusty was all about, you're either dead or too retarded to recognize true talent.

Ha! Go Jane!


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