What is happening to our country?
I've been so upset with the Bush administration and the way our rights as Americans have been whittled away little by little since September 11, with the use of fear and intimidation.
And I'm not talking about the terrorists in Iraq (or is it Saudi Arabia?), but rather, the terrorists here in the U.S.A, the Bush Administration, Rumsfeld, Cheney..etc...these are the true abusers of power, who have been manipulating our people using fear, hatred, prejudice and intimidation tactics to keep us under control. And we are letting them!
I happened to be watching 1776 on cable last night. A wonderful film version of the 1960s Broadway Musical set in the summer of 1776 when the nation was ready to declare
independence... if only our founding fathers could agree to do it! The musical expertly follows John Adams of Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and Richard Henry Lee and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia as they attempt to convince the members of the second Continental Congress to vote for independence from the shackles of the British monarchy by signing the Declaration of Independence!
It's not only a wonderful film adaptation of a musical, but it also is so resonant right now! My ears were ringing and my heart was aching as I heard these men, our Founding Fathers speak of liberty, freedom and the escape from tyranny so eloquently!
One moment in the film absolutely stopped me cold. It was when John Dickinson from Pennsylvania was arguing with Thomas Jefferson of Virginia about the Declaration of Independence. Dickinson's argument was that it was not a good time to declare independence from England, because the country was in the middle of a war and the times were hard and it was certainly not "safe" for the people.
To which Benjamin Franklin interjected with one of the most eerily appropriate quotes in the whole film:
"Those who give up some of their liberty in order to obtain a little temporary safety-deserve neither liberty or safety."
WOW! That is so applicable to today! The Patriot Act, the constant "shut up and support the President and the Troops" mentality that seems to be pervasive today in our country! If only Benjamin Franklin were in congress to help us remember! If only his words could ring as loud as that Philadelphia Liberty bell!
Let us never forget our Founding Fathers. They were a crazy lot, wild eyed for sure, but absolutely right!
Let's protect our liberty at any cost! Even if that means disagreeing with our government in times of war!
Never say you can't learn something useful from a musical! : )