Okay, my dear LuvDusty readers...I'm sorry I've been away so long. It's been one of those crazy, crazy, crazy weeks.
Mostly-I was sick as a dog from Friday through yesterday, with a virus I don't wish on my worst enemy-which then turned into a sinus infection! It was not pretty I tell you...not at all.
Anyway, I will spare you the gorey details-suffice to say I was unable to even raise a hand towards a keyboard for a good 6 days.
But I'm back now...and on Friday the 13th to boot! As always, I have perfect timing...
So, what is on LuvDusty's mind today, you might ask? Or heck, even if you don't ask, I'm gonna tell you.
Well, mostly I am just trying to get through the week, one day at a time. The weather has not been good at all...mostly rainy and windy...and this really doesn't feel like summer.
I believe we are incurring God's Wrath. Yes....we are. Have you noticed that since December 2000 when a certain moron from Texas (actually, he was born in Maine to a filthy rich family, as much a New England snob as his current opponent is accused of being, but we aren't supposed to remember that), was chosen to be the leader of our now saddened country by the Supreme Court. It rained a lot on that day...it rained cats and dogs and buckets or whatever expression suits your fancy. Suffice to say....God was angry.
And She is still angry, because since 2000 we've seen nothing but weird ass weather! We've seen extensive periods of nothing but clouds and rain...in June and July!!!!??? Earlier, we saw 80 degree temperatures...in February!!!??? I can't recall a more fucked up 4 years of weather in my entire life.
And yes, I blame the Moron. I blame Dubya. Why? Why not? He's to blame for everything else that's happened to our country since he was granted power. Has our economy improved...nope..worse...much worse. Is the budget balanced? Balanced? HA! We have the huggest deficit in the history of our nation! Did we all get tax breaks! Wow..I got $300 back about 3 years ago. I can barely buy an I-P0d with that! Hmmm..I wonder how much the BILLIONAIRES got? Hmm? Like Dubya himself? Or his Daddy and Mommy? Or his friends at ENRON? Or Tom De Lay or Dick "I'm Really a Robot" Cheney?
Oh but wait, there's the terrorists...and the war against terror, ya gotta give Dubya credit for doing a good job on that right?
Um..have you read the paper lately? Iraq is a royal mess and U.S. soldiers are lost there, coming back in body bags and after almost a year and 1/2 of this shit the administration still hasn't bothered to tell us what their long term goals are there. Hmmm....
Basically, if after all this you are still going to vote for the little shithead this November, you are a lost cause...nothing can be done with you. Hate to tell you but you deserve whatever you get.
Unfortunately, the rest of us will have to "get it" to...and that pisses me off.
To top it all off...yesterday was probably the worst day for gay people in the U.S. in a while. First, the California Supreme Court voids over 4,000 Gay Marriages and then Gov. McGreevey of New Jersey Resigns Cause He's a Big Ol' Closeted Homo Who Was Caught With His Pants Down.
Nice people...very very nice. At least now this is going to have to go to the Supreme Court, which has ruled in Gay people's favors before (thank God SOMEONE in the government is on our side!), and let's see what Sandra Day O'Connor has to say about all this!
As for McGreevey...eh. The fact that he's gay is not the issue. The issue is he was IN THE CLOSET and LIED and CHEATED on his wife...and HIRED HIS FUCKBUDDY as "Head of Homeland Security" for the state with a nice $110,000 a year pay check. SO SO SO WRONG MY FRIEND! SO WRONG!
But this has nothing to do with his being gay per se. But it does show how the closet is a terrible thing and our society's innability to be mature and progressive about sexuality, has caused gay men and women who want to run for office to pretend they are something they are not, to repress their sexuality. And we all know that repression never leads to anything good, especially in politics. If Gov. McGreevey had felt comfortable being gay and in politics, he could have avoided this whole mess.
And then again, maybe he would have done it anyway.
Now I understand how black people feel when they pick the most uneducated, ignoramous to speak on the news concerning some issue relating to civil rights or some event...I hate it that one of us spoils it for the rest.
Conservative wack-jobs around the country will now use McGreevey as a poster boy for how "corrupt" and "sinful" gay people are and how we shouldn't be allowed to serve our communities as leaders.
So, let's hope Saturday the 14th comes along quick, and puts me in a better mood and the weather in less disarray. Fat chance though, since all the major forecasts are calling for hurricanes Bonnie and Charley to punish us at least until Sunday night.
Alright...bring it on God...bring it on. Hopefully we can improve our conditions after November!
But I dunno, if we ever want to see normal weather again, we better make HER happy...and real soon!