It's Time To Take Back The Word "Liberal".
I happened upon this wonderful documentary while watching HBO the other night. It's called Left of the Dial and it deals with the creation of the left-wing talk radio AIR AMERICA.
I watched with fascination as the many ups and downs of starting this huge endeavor flashed in front of my eyes. It's not easy being a Liberal in these hear United States..that's for sure.
Granted, most of the problems that besmirched this enterprise were brought upon by their own inept hands, but it still was rather interesting to see how little support AIR AMERICA got from other media outlets and from businesses that should be supporting the "alternative" viewpoint.
I'm sort of sick and tired of sitting back and taking it though. Aren't you? I mean, it seems Liberals (and I consider myself a PROUD one, thank you very much), have been gutted and basically robbed of their fightin' spirit! I have to spend my days watching and listening to this Administration, led by a grinning Monkey, telling me what to do and think, considering themselves "messengers from God", with their "holier than thou" attitudes and their stupid "unless you drive an SUV and have a US flag on your lapel you are not with us" brand of Patriotism.
That's why Randi Rhodes, the explosive talk radio host, is my favorite of the AIR AMERICA personalities. She's not afraid to get ugly. She fights like a Man. She makes Limbaugh, Hannity and all those other right-wing lackeys look like little Mamma's boys....and I'm glad for that.
Finally, someone on the left has some balls! (Ironically, or maybe not so much, it's a Woman too!) It seems all we have left is Randi. Granted, Bill Maher with his Real Time show on HBO and Jon Stewart with The Daily Show on Comedy Central are trying to get the message out as well. But Maher is seen as too much of a "Hollywood outsider" and Stewart's liberalism is more of the traditional kind...sarcastic, indirect, mocking the right without ever really losing his cool.
Randi on the other hand is not at all afraid to spit, yell and scream! And for that I applaud her.
The right-wing (now with its lips surgically attached to the Xian Coalition's ass) has never been afraid to be aggressive and to fight, spit, yell and scream. And all along, the Liberals, well, we just sat in the corner and grinned and made fun of their "crazy yokel ways". And in the meantime, we sat and watched them hijack our country.
Well, I think it's time to stop grinnin' and start kickin'..butts that is. Randi knows what I mean, and I think her brand of Liberalism is just what the left needs to pick itself up, dust itself off and start all over again.
Let's take back the word "Liberal". Let's never again be ashamed to call ourselves that. After all, if we don't stand up for "the other side", who the heck will? Certainly not this lying sack of shit of an Administration, nor the bloated, over-heated Congress, and definitely not Big Brother Business. It's the people--floating on the ether, over the airwaves, sending out their message that will change this country. It has to be!
So...Long live AIR AMERICA and especially Randi Rhodes! Here's hoping she has balls enough for the rest of us. We need it!
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