Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Jesus, save me from your followers!!

I don't know...maybe it's because it's almost Easter, or maybe it's because of the recent Terri Schiavo uproar, but I am just absolutely sick and tired of so-called "Evangelical Christians" telling me how to live my life! Is it just me, or has this country become so engulfed in a sort of pseudo "new-Christian" movement that we are seriously loosing our grip on reality?

Let the woman die I say! Who wants to live like a vegetable with just a feeding tube providing sustenance? Do you? NOPE! And I bet Ms. Schiavo doesn't really want to either. But of course, her parents are unable to let her go, even after 15 years of this ordeal and her husband is viewed as "Mr. Shady" who is trying to hide something.

Ya know what? Maybe he is hiding something! And maybe yes, Ms. Schiavo's parents deserve the right to keep their daughter alive if they so want (as long as they care for her).

I don't really have a problem with either side.

What I DO have a problem with, is our United States Congress getting involved and wasting precious tax dollars and their time sticking their noses where they don't belong.

SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE! There...do I need to say it again?

What happens to Ms. Schiavo is her family's decision..let them duke it out in the courts (oh wait, they already did!) and let the judge's ruling be the deciding factor and not our Government's extreme right leanings.

That's not why our members of Congress are there. They are not there to legislate our moral choices. To each his own I say!

If Thomas Jefferson were alive today, he'd be fuming! Leave the woman alone and leave her family alone--DO NOT GET INVOLVED. It's none of the Government's business what the Schiavo's decide!

What's next? Government deciding what we can or can not eat? Government deciding who we can live with? What books we read? What stories we tell? Who we marry?

I'm sick and tired of this "neo-Conservative" movement, which portends to be "moral" and is obviously anything but.

Morality has NOTHING to do with religion, and the sooner we are able to understand that in this country, the better off we will be. Plenty of average folks were raised without religion in their lives (count me as one of them), and we still know how to behave as law abiding, yes, MORAL citizens. I don't steal, cheat or lie or kill or tell anyone else what to do with their lives or what god to pray to or anything else.

Why can't Jesus' s followers do the same?

In these few days before Easter, during this most "holy" of weeks, can't the Christian Right leave us be for just a few moments?

Can't they see that the true beauty of Christ's message was in the "turn the other cheek", the "live and let live", the "accept everyone" part of his doctrine?

Jesus's true message was that, (and he knew this cause he was an outsider himself), a person should not be persecuted (or hung on a cross), just because they are different.

Words to think about this week, while our country wastes stupid amount of time, ink and money asking the Goverment to legislate morality.



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